Saturday, September 15, 2012


Pop-Up Events

This late summer and early autumn, I have seen a lot of what can be called Pop-Up Events.  They are arts and crafts events, usually in conjunction with garden and plant sales, that are not annual events.  They are often advertised only a few weeks in advance.  They depend on the availability of good weather, plenty of artists, and good location.  Some are successful, some are not.  The ones that are not, seem to have an unreliable list of events and performers.  The local economy has a lot to do with it, also.  So many of these events are on the same weekends, that competition drowns some of them out.  Some are connected with charities, some are not.  It might seem to the organizers that it would be a good weekend for such an event, but then bad weather or just some unforseen reason, inexpliably results in low crowds, low sales.  This is
too bad.  I hope that the arts and crafts events will improve in future months. 

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