Monday, March 12, 2007


A New Time of Travel

Hello world,

Well, I did not post here in 2006. High gas prices and terrorists threats limited my travel ambitions that year. I was intending to go to some out-of-state art and craft shows, but just at that time, the gel-threats on airplanes happened.

Oh, but that was then. This is now. Early in March I went to Newton, MS for an outdoor show to visit. Really, a charming town. Near Meridian, MS. Newton has some wonderful murals on walls and glass all over town. I visited during the arts and crafts sale, and I enjoyed it. The weather was cool but sunny, and there was a nice crowd of a thousand or so. The rock band kept us all pumped up, and everybody was having a good time. I intend to go there again sometime.

Talk to you later!

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